Category Story

Stories of our talent

Dari awam teknologi Menjadi Ahli IT

Adaptasi terhadap teknologi memang perlu dilakukan karena setelah pandemi perkembangan dunia teknologi semakin tinggi terutama yang berkaitan dengan dunia IT. Sebenarnya hal ini bukan kewajiban semua orang untuk belajar IT namun setidaknya kita bisa beradaptasi dengan perkembangan digital yang semakin…

Hard Work Becoming a Full Stack Developer

If you have limitations such as financial constraints, limited access, and other obstacles that you think might hinder you from pursuing your dreams, believe that these are no longer reasons for you to stop! This has been proven by one…

Finding a career path with Sanberhub

Headhunting Indonesia headhunter kandidat

Have you ever felt confused about your career path seeming stagnant? Well, you’re not alone. One of Sanberhub’s talents, named Fajri Muhammad Tio, also experienced the same thing. The frustration and confusion when trying to navigate a career are common…

From Farmer to Application Developer

Muhammad Irfan, a farmer from Madura, has a keen interest in Information Technology. His fascination with IT began in elementary school. To pursue his dream of working in the IT field, Irfan did remarkable things. While studying, he helped his…

Dari Petani menjadi Application Developer

Muhammad Irfan, seorang petani asli dari Madura yang mempunyai ketertarikan di dunia Teknik Informatika. Irfan panggilannya, mulai dari pendidikan SD sudah mulai tertarik dengan dunia Teknik Informatika. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Irfan sangat hebat demi mengejar cita – cita nya…